2025: Week 1 - New Year - Resolutions?

As the new year begins, most of us start to think about the year just past, and the year ahead. For some that means new year resolutions - wanting to change themselves or their situations. I for one will be adding more exercise into my routine!
However, the year ahead is going to be tough for many and busy too. The elections across the world in 2024 resulted in change from the incumbent power in many countries. The UK Labour party ran on a campaign slogan of “Change”, and in the USA Donald Trump won on an anti-establishment platform.
So far, the UK government has been – to put it mildly – disappointing. Yes, they inherited a disastrous economic situation, but their response hasn’t demonstrated the principles that many expected of them.
Quite what Donald Trump will do as he takes over control in January is yet to be determined. We do know that he will be unpredictable and focussed on his world view of “America first”. In a world where we all depend upon each other, the ideas of isolationism for the USA would not be good news for the world, or for the USA - as we saw between the wars.
Across the world we see continuing tragedies of conflict in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan and Yemen to name a few. We are holding our breath for a peaceful outcome in Syria, and for a continuing ceasefire in Lebanon. But we live in troubled times and continue to see attacks on strategic computer systems and international power and data connections.
We enter the year at home with an impending spending review from the government, and local government reorganisation here in Devon. Neither of which are likely to be smooth and easy.
Devon County Council, Plymouth and Torbay, along with the existing District councils will be merged to form a number of unitary councils. While this may make some services easier and more cost effective, it will make councils more remote from the people that they serve.
The likely new Mayor of Devon & Cornwall will be challenging role with such a wide remit. And at the other end of the scale, Town and Parish councils will need to step up to new responsibilities and a bigger role. The new structures will take time to work out, and time will tell how it will improve services for residents. I would like to thank all the local politicians and council officers who work so hard in these times of change.
With elections for a mayor and to the new unitary councils scheduled for May 2026, we may – or may not – still have elections for Devon County Council in May this year (2025). We will find that out in January, but I suspect that this year’s elections will go ahead.
Whatever the New Year brings, and whatever changes we need to make, I wish you a happy New Year, and best wishes with whatever resolutions you may make.
Now, where did I store my jogging gear…